Responses & Errors

Our API uses standard HTTP codes to indicate if the request is successful or failed

Successful requests will return both a “message” and “data” field with a 2XX status code. Data can be represented by an object or array type.

    "message": "Response message",
    "data": {
       # Response should be here
    "message": "Response message",
    "data": [
       # Response should be here

Unsuccessful requests will return a “message” field containing the error message, with 4XX or 5XX status code.

Common error message

    "message": "Error message."

Error message with error id

If you experience issues or errors while using our service, we highly recommend that you contact us by providing the errorId that you get along with the error message. That way, our team can easily trace the issue

    "errors": {
        "errorId": <log_id:uuid>
    "message": "Error message."

Error message with error type

      "errorId": <log_id:uuid>,
      "errorType": <error_type:str>
   "message": "Error message."

Validation error

    "errors": {
        "fieldName": [
            "Unknown field."
    "message": "Input payload validation failed."

Last updated

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