Watchlist Screening
You can use the Watchlist Screening module by defining a person's fullName to your JSON request. For a specific search, you can add birthDate and gender as a filter or using a pseudo filter.
A watchlist screening (AML/CFT) is a solution that helps financial institutions and other organizations comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations. This solution allows organizations to search for and identify potential matches against a list of known or suspected individuals and entities involved in money laundering or terrorist financing activities.
Using Standard Filter
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"fullNameFilterTitle": false,
"birthDate": "1961-06-21",
"birthPlace": "Surakarta",
"gender": "male",
"country": "Indonesia",
"searchType": "match",
"searchAliasFields": ["nativeName", "alias", "lowAliases", "previousAliases", "spellingVariationNames", "languageVariationNames", "maidenNames"],
"searchDataSources": ["kredibel"],
"searchSimilarityAlgorithm": "levenshtein",
"profileTypes": ["PEP", "SIP", "RCA", "Sanction", "Watchlist"],
"ongoingScreening": true,
"minSimilarity": 0.8
"fullName": "Joko Widodo"
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"birthDate": "1961-06-21"
"message": "Watchlist screening",
"data": {
"id": "540d9073-62a3-4ea9-8693-ef9e5487e509",
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"birthPlace": "Surakarta",
"birthDate": "1961-06-21",
"gender": "male",
"country": "Indonesia",
"totalCount": 1,
"totalSanctionCount": 0,
"totalWatchlistCount": 0,
"totalPepCount": 1,
"totalRcaCount": 0,
"totalSipCount": 0,
"totalCrimeCount": 0,
"maxSimilarity": 1.0,
"kredibel": {
"count": 1,
"sanctionCount": 0,
"watchlistCount": 0,
"pepCount": 1,
"rcaCount": 0,
"sipCount": 0,
"crimeCount": 0,
"maxSimilarity": 1.0,
"result": [
"id": "66499d4f2099f613265313cee676cd1b",
"entity": "person",
"name": "Joko Widodo",
"nativeName": "Joko Widodo",
"gender": "male",
"birthPlace": "Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia",
"birthDate": "1961-06-21 00:00:00",
"deathDate": null,
"description": "Presiden Indonesia ke-7 (2014-Sekarang)",
"detailDescription": "Ir. H. Joko Widodo adalah presiden Indonesia yang mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 20 Oktober 2014. Terpilih dalam Pemilu Presiden 2014, Jokowi menjadi presiden Indonesia pertama yang bukan berasal dari elite politik atau militer Indonesia. Dia terpilih bersama Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dan kembali terpilih bersama Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin dalam Pemilu Presiden 2019. Sebelumnya, Jokowi pernah menjabat sebagai gubernur Jakarta sejak 15 Oktober 2012 hingga 16 Oktober 2014 didampingi Basuki Tjahaja Purnama sebagai wakil gubernur. [Wikipedia]",
"updatedAt": null,
"alias": [
"President Joko Widodo",
"Haji Joko Widodo",
"Preisdent Jokowi",
"Ir. H. Joko Widodo"
"lowAliases": [],
"previousAliases": [],
"maidenNames": [],
"spellingVariationNames": [],
"languageVariationNames": [
"جوکو ویدودو",
"Џоко Видодо",
"Τζόκο Ουιντόντο",
"جوكو ويدودو",
"ג'וקו וידודו",
"Joko Widodo",
"ဂျိုကို ဝီဒိုဒို",
"जोको विडोडो",
"جوکو ودودو",
"Җоко Видодо",
"ജോക്കോ വിഡൊഡൊ",
"Coko Vidodo",
"জোকো উইদোদো",
"โจโก วีโดโด",
"조코 위도도",
"ចូកូ វីដូដូ",
"ஜோக்கோ விடோடோ",
"Ջոկո Վիդոդո",
"جوکو ويدودو",
"جوڪو ودودو",
"Джоко Видодо",
"Джоко Уидодо",
"Ճոքօ Ուիտոտօ",
"Džoko Vidodo",
"Ҷоко Видодо",
"ਜੋਕੋ ਵਿਡੋਡੋ",
"جۆکۆ ویدۆدۆ",
"ჯოკო ვიდოდო",
"Джоко Відодо",
"Джока Відода"
"birthPlaces": [],
"birthDates": [],
"images": [
"roles": [
"level": null,
"endDate": null,
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2014-10-20 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "President of Indonesia"
"level": null,
"endDate": "2014-10-20 00:00:00",
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2012-10-15 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta"
"level": null,
"endDate": "2012-10-01 00:00:00",
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2005-07-28 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "Mayor of Surakarta"
"residents": [
"type": "citizenship",
"value": "Indonesia"
"crimes": [],
"sanctions": [],
"types": [
"profileUrl": "",
"similarity": 1.0,
"dataset": "int-watchlist",
"matchFields": [
"start": 1,
"size": 10
"riskLevel": "medium",
"score": -15.0
Using Pseudo Filter (Recommended Method)
If you use a standard filter, data that has no date of birth will not be displayed. With a pseudo filter, you will get data that match with a query or does not have the attributes.
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"fullNameFilterTitle": false,
"pseudoBirthDate": "1961-06-21",
"pseudoBirthPlace": "Surakarta",
"pseudoGender": "male",
"pseudoCountry": "Indonesia",
"searchType": "match",
"searchAliasFields": ["nativeName", "alias", "lowAliases", "previousAliases", "spellingVariationNames", "languageVariationNames", "maidenNames"],
"searchDataSources": ["kredibel"],
"searchSimilarityAlgorithm": "levenshtein",
"profileTypes": ["PEP", "SIP", "RCA", "Sanction", "Watchlist"],
"ongoingScreening": true,
"minSimilarity": 0.8,
"pseudoMinSimilarity": 0.8
"fullName": "Joko Widodo"
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"pseudoBirthDate": "1961-06-21",
"pseudoBirthPlace": "Surakarta",
"pseudoGender": "male",
"pseudoCountry": "Indonesia"
"message": "Watchlist screening",
"data": {
"id": "bbfd43f3-ae91-4fd0-ba62-eaa177282aff",
"fullName": "Joko Widodo",
"birthPlace": "Surakarta",
"birthDate": "1961-06-21",
"gender": "male",
"country": "Indonesia",
"totalCount": 1,
"totalPseudoCount": 0,
"totalSanctionCount": 0,
"totalPseudoSanctionCount": 0,
"totalWatchlistCount": 0,
"totalPseudoWatchlistCount": 0,
"totalPepCount": 1,
"totalPseudoPepCount": 0,
"totalRcaCount": 0,
"totalPseudoRcaCount": 0,
"totalSipCount": 0,
"totalPseudoSipCount": 0,
"totalCrimeCount": 0,
"totalPseudoCrimeCount": 0,
"maxSimilarity": 1.0,
"pseudoMaxSimilarity": 0,
"kredibel": {
"count": 1,
"pseudoCount": 0,
"sanctionCount": 0,
"pseudoSanctionCount": 0,
"watchlistCount": 0,
"pseudoWatchlistCount": 0,
"pepCount": 1,
"pseudoPepCount": 0,
"rcaCount": 0,
"pseudoRcaCount": 0,
"sipCount": 0,
"pseudoSipCount": 0,
"crimeCount": 0,
"pseudoCrimeCount": 0,
"maxSimilarity": 1.0,
"pseudoMaxSimilarity": 0,
"result": [
"id": "66499d4f2099f613265313cee676cd1b",
"entity": "person",
"name": "Joko Widodo",
"nativeName": "Joko Widodo",
"gender": "male",
"birthPlace": "Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia",
"birthDate": "1961-06-21 00:00:00",
"deathDate": null,
"description": "Presiden Indonesia ke-7 (2014-Sekarang)",
"detailDescription": "Ir. H. Joko Widodo adalah presiden Indonesia yang mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 20 Oktober 2014. Terpilih dalam Pemilu Presiden 2014, Jokowi menjadi presiden Indonesia pertama yang bukan berasal dari elite politik atau militer Indonesia. Dia terpilih bersama Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dan kembali terpilih bersama Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin dalam Pemilu Presiden 2019. Sebelumnya, Jokowi pernah menjabat sebagai gubernur Jakarta sejak 15 Oktober 2012 hingga 16 Oktober 2014 didampingi Basuki Tjahaja Purnama sebagai wakil gubernur. [Wikipedia]",
"updatedAt": null,
"alias": [
"President Joko Widodo",
"Haji Joko Widodo",
"Preisdent Jokowi",
"Ir. H. Joko Widodo"
"lowAliases": [],
"previousAliases": [],
"maidenNames": [],
"spellingVariationNames": [],
"languageVariationNames": [
"جوکو ویدودو",
"Џоко Видодо",
"Τζόκο Ουιντόντο",
"جوكو ويدودو",
"ג'וקו וידודו",
"Joko Widodo",
"ဂျိုကို ဝီဒိုဒို",
"जोको विडोडो",
"جوکو ودودو",
"Җоко Видодо",
"ജോക്കോ വിഡൊഡൊ",
"Coko Vidodo",
"জোকো উইদোদো",
"โจโก วีโดโด",
"조코 위도도",
"ចូកូ វីដូដូ",
"ஜோக்கோ விடோடோ",
"Ջոկո Վիդոդո",
"جوکو ويدودو",
"جوڪو ودودو",
"Джоко Видодо",
"Джоко Уидодо",
"Ճոքօ Ուիտոտօ",
"Džoko Vidodo",
"Ҷоко Видодо",
"ਜੋਕੋ ਵਿਡੋਡੋ",
"جۆکۆ ویدۆدۆ",
"ჯოკო ვიდოდო",
"Джоко Відодо",
"Джока Відода"
"birthPlaces": [],
"birthDates": [],
"images": [
"roles": [
"level": null,
"endDate": null,
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2014-10-20 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "President of Indonesia"
"level": null,
"endDate": "2014-10-20 00:00:00",
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2012-10-15 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta"
"level": null,
"endDate": "2012-10-01 00:00:00",
"location": null,
"roleType": null,
"startDate": "2005-07-28 00:00:00",
"occupationTitle": "Mayor of Surakarta"
"residents": [
"type": "citizenship",
"value": "Indonesia"
"crimes": [],
"sanctions": [],
"types": [
"profileUrl": "",
"similarity": 1.0,
"dataset": "int-watchlist",
"matchFields": [
"pseudoResult": [],
"start": 1,
"size": 10
"riskLevel": "medium",
"score": -15.0
Profile Types
["PEP", "RCA", "SIP", "Sanction", "Watchlist", "Crime"]
Crime Categories
["corruption", "terrorism", "national-security", "gambling", "embezzlement", "fraud", "money-laundering", "human-trafficking", "tax", "customs", "human-rights", "forgery", "foresty", "environmental", "illegal-logging", "coastal-zone", "money-counterfeiting", "currency", "election", "banking", "excise", "narcotic", "theft", "firearm", "defamation", "persecution", "murder", "extortion", "perjury", "immigration", "mining", "pharmaceutical", "cybercrime", "domestic-violence", "plantation", "pornography", "oil-gas", "fishery", "consumer-protection", "cruise", "fiduciary", "copyright", "food", "economy", "conservation", "fence", "obscenity", "negligence", "destruction", "public-order", "traffic", "jinayah", "marriage-origin", "migrant-worker", "employment", "broadcasting", "electricity", "local-government", "trade-secret", "education", "housing", "industry", "military-desertion", "military-obscenity", "military-subordinate"]
Risk Level
Ongoing Screening
You can set ongoing screening feature if:
You are subscribed to transaction monitoring
>= 0.8Using
in params
Last updated